Monday, February 6, 2012

Let It Rain

When we got back to Africa in November, we came in the midst of the rainy season. It seemed to rain every single day and we looked forward to when it would stop. Now we are in the midst of the dry season. It is dry and hot, and now we wish it would rain.
With our ministry when we got back, things were going a little slow at first. SHIM gives its employees three weeks off during the holidays, so we slowed down as well. This may seem to be a good thing for us, yet when you are living in Africa and having to deal with the difficulties of life here, it can become really hard if you don’t feel you are accomplishing much. Now that the new year has begun, the ministry opportunities have increased dramatically. Now instead, our problem is that there seems almost more than we can handle.
We humans have a hard time being satisfied. Our goal will be to find our satisfaction in the Lord and seek to serve Him in whatever circumstance we may find ourselves in. So … let it rain (or sunshine, as the case may be)!!!
~ Bob

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