Here you see Joshua "enjoying" the costume box as the kids are "helping" to get them packed up to go over to the church ...
The month of May has been flying by! From baseball for all three boys to Jon's 8th birthday, then the Dufur Christian Church rummage sale (on our behalf - praise God!) to Janae's last piano recital & festival, and oh, so much more! It has been a blur.
In between this, we have been trying to visit with friends as well as sort and pack while at home. Somehow I thought doing school was a good idea for this month as well .... hmmmm ... would re-evaluate that one next time!
If it were not for the ladies of the church here doing the rummage sale, we would be much farther away from being ready to pack up. We have less than one week now to meet our 'goal' of being completely moved into Bob's brother Stan's basement in Independence, Oregon. I've got to tell you ... this looks mighty impossible at this point. The house is so far from ready to pack up.
We are grateful that we need not worry over this. One more opportunity to trust God and to watch Him work! We covet your prayers that we will weather yet this season well (through Him) with giving Him all the glory!