Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Not Just a Suitcase

Yesterday, we walked into a luggage store in Newport, Oregon, to find everything that we needed in regards to our luggage needs anyways. Now this may not seem remarkable really except that everything in this store is $20 or less "and" I have been looking for cheap suitcases for literally months now (and not just a few - actually, twelve).

I have searched all the likely places: clearance aisles at department stores, Goodwill, St. Vincent de Paul and every used goods store I could find. I even made a few purchases but just couldn't seem to "finish" my list of one pilot case and one extra large suitcase for each family member.

Also, you might think that this is not only just a suitcase but also just a 'to do' list. Well, yes, perhaps you are right. But the only thing for me is that this was a statement straight to the heart from God.

Only God knew how this need being met in such an awesome way (all at once) at this time could warm my heart and encourage my soul. For to me, His provision in the rest of the suit-cases showed in perhaps a simple way was just another glimpse of His plan in progress. You see, God is just like that. He knows how simple-minded I can be and how finite I am. I need to have even little reminders of His faithfulness even though He has never failed me. He has called us to Uganda and to Uganda He will take us. Whatever the need to get us there, He will indeed provide it in "His" most perfect timing. Yes, Father, once again I renew my full trust in You and will wait for You! Thank You!!!

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